25 Feb

Mother Nature is amazing! 

She brings beauty to our yards and boosts our curb appeal, all for FREE!

There is no doubt that green grass, fresh flowers, leaves on the trees and springtime temperatures will bring instant curb appeal to your home. Still, the outside of your house should not be overlooked when you start prepping your home for that big day when your home goes live in MLS. 

Having great curb appeal will bring more buyers in the door of your home and 3 days is all we need to see if your home is hitting all of the objectives for a quick sale or high offers, or if adjustments need to be made. 

At Homeside Marketing, we provide every client with a free home selling consultation which covers the inside and the outside of your home. We will talk about items that need work and if they typically net sellers more profit. We will also discuss items that are not necessary and would simply be lost money. What is it that you want to accomplish when you sell? Fast turn around? Highest profit even if you have to wait a few months? We will weigh out all of the options and see which one is the best fit.

Mother Nature can only do so much to help, and the rest is up to us! 

Schedule your FREE strategic selling consultation today for more information about getting the most out of the sale of your home.